SERAFINE1369 + Daniella Valz Gen
(original copy)
“SERAFINE1369 & Daniella Valz Gen: an oracular practice sharing - ]ps[ are delighted to be collaborating with the Live Art Development Agency as Guest Curators on the Intersect Series. The next Intersect event will be on Friday the 3rd of March; the first public and in-person element of the series to be held at the Live Art Development Agency in Bethnal Green. The gathering consists of a call, pause & response sharing of live, oracular practices from artists SERAFINE1369 and Daniella Valz Gen.
“Oracular practice is for me an exploration of presence, responsiveness and aform of improvisation that can be understood as live writing and editing as theact of making meaning in real time…” - Daniela Valz Gen
“[Mine is] a responsive practice of tuning into states of receiving, through the capacity a body has to ‘read’ and synthesising the information received throughmovement, without judgement or conscious agenda… allowing this movementto be witnessed.” - SERAFINE1369
Audiences are invited and encouraged to adopt a softer focus while engagingwith the embodied processes of the artists – becoming properly present and inattunement with the currents of the evening. As the event unfolds, audiencemembers will be gradually enfolded; encouraged to participate in a collectivereading, or reflection of the evening’s offerings in dialogue with the leadartists. This Intersect event is curated by ]performance s p a c e [ and co-produced with the Live Art Development Agency. Organiser contact: benjamin@performancespace.org”
“Oracular practice is for me an exploration of presence, responsiveness and aform of improvisation that can be understood as live writing and editing as theact of making meaning in real time…” - Daniela Valz Gen
“[Mine is] a responsive practice of tuning into states of receiving, through the capacity a body has to ‘read’ and synthesising the information received throughmovement, without judgement or conscious agenda… allowing this movementto be witnessed.” - SERAFINE1369
Audiences are invited and encouraged to adopt a softer focus while engagingwith the embodied processes of the artists – becoming properly present and inattunement with the currents of the evening. As the event unfolds, audiencemembers will be gradually enfolded; encouraged to participate in a collectivereading, or reflection of the evening’s offerings in dialogue with the leadartists. This Intersect event is curated by ]performance s p a c e [ and co-produced with the Live Art Development Agency. Organiser contact: benjamin@performancespace.org”
Image Credits: SERAFINE1369 - ‘I I I (something flat, something cosmic, something endless)’. 2023. PEANA, Mexico City, Feria de Arte Material. & Daniella Valz Gen - Photo by Deniz Guzel for South Kiosk.

additional info:
Friday the 3rd of March, 7pm - 9pm (doors open: 6:30pm) in-person at the Live Art Development Agency. London. E2 6LX
︎︎︎ venue website
About the Artists:
SERAFINE1369 is an independent artist, dancer and body-focused researcher,working with dancing as a philosophical undertaking and as a political projectwith ethical psycho- spiritual ramifications for being-in-the-world; dancing asintimate technology. Their methodology is intuitive and many-headed,considering the interrelatedness of myriad systems. SERAFINE1369 is busy withpropositions and practices – of dancing, spatial arrangement, sonics andmodes of receiving – that counter the tendency towards bodily compression,inflammation and alienation, invited by life in the hostile architectures of themetropolis.
Daniella Valz Gen is an artist and writer born in Lima and based in London.Their work explores the interstices between languages, cultures and valuesystems with an emphasis on embodiment. Alterity, liminality and ritual comeinto play through a practice that prioritises process. Whether through anengagement with materials, writing or performance, their work is preoccupiedwith complexity and non-linear narratives. Their practice spans installation,text and live performance, both as independent outputs and combined,through collaborative and solo projects.
About Intersect:
Intersect is a series of gatherings, making space for creative communities toshare insights into embodied practices that reflect intersectional ways ofbeing. Affirming the “liveness” of the process, each gathering is unique,allowing for the featured participant(s) to co-design how they might imaginewhat the exchange with those who attend may look like: an embodieddialogue between artists; a sharing of a new experimental work in progresswitnessed virtually and/or in-person; or an open forum where key researchquestions of interest are explored and discussed.
Tickets are are FREE but booking is essential.
venue & access
Live Art Development Agency
The Garrett Centre,
117A Mansford Street.
London. E2 6LX
LADA and The Garrett Centre are wheelchair accessible by lift and providegender inclusive bathrooms.
We are continuing to implement measures in the space to ensure that ourstaff, visitors, and everyone who uses our building, remain safe during theongoing pandemic and that we protect those who are disproportionatelyaffected by it; please make sure to read our Covid Protocol before arriving atour building.