for performance artists
]performance s p a c e[ is situated within an expansive constellation of artists and artist led spaces. We have always strived to act as a hub to local, national and international artists - developing the performance art network, while acting as a place of research, development and education - outside of mainstream institutions.
Our task is to facilitate the prime conditions for the production of performance art in the UK (and beyond), while expanding an understanding of the medium through practice led education/research.
We work with artists as hosts, curators, producers and mentors, through enquiry, invitation and open call. Please scroll down for more information.
Background image: Nicholas Tee, The Risings, 2018. Photo by Manuel Vason.
The ]ps[ Associate Artist List is a group of artists who typify our work at ]ps[ and hold true to our manifesto. We work closely with our associate artists as producers, supporting them to manifest their visions. We will be taking on additional associates across 2023/2024. Our current associate artists are selina bonelli and Poppy Jackson.
selina bonelli

(re)collecting (f)ears, selina bonelli, 2019. Photoby Ana Escobar.
"Memory as the trace of the poetic within the words that distract us.”
selina bonelli is interested in the processing of anxieties where one reformulates them into motions and actions as a possibility of teasing out the inadequacies of language. By making images in the moment, she employs performance to explore the relationship between the uncommunicable and the unspeakable.
Poppy Jackson

Impossible, Poppy Jackson, Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery, Chicago, 2014. Documentation by Veronic Merklein, Tongyu Zhao and Carrie Ruckle.
Poppy Jackson makes work that explores the female body as an autonomous zone. Jackson is an internationally practicing visual and performance artist & “leader in women’s activism” (Global Healthcare Alliance NGO Aarogya Seva).
The artist works in performance, painting, sculpture and printmaking: public space and architecture in relation to the body are key research areas. Jackson’s performances employ the impact & power of the live body & have excited discussion worldwide on the body in art; being disseminated in The New York Times, The Guardian, The Independent, ArtReview, BBC 2 & Radio 4.
One of ‘Europe’s 27 leading contemporary women artists’ (Artsy/Her Stories/Elle Magazine), Jackson’s political, socially conscious practice deals with difficult topics in radical yet accessible ways so that every audience can engage. She is interested in the innate performativity of the body and explores this through presenting her own body itself as site.
Working with artists
︎︎︎ for performance artists
Keioui Keijaun Thomas phographed by Manuel Vason - DRAWN - ]performance s p a c e [ - 2016
as hosts
]performance s p a c e[ has always worked to be a hub for local, national and international performance artists, and we are proud to exist in constellation with many artist-led spaces around the world.As ]ps[ is currently scouting for our new London home, we are not able to host residencies with as much freedom as we have in the past.
However, for performance artists interested in autonomous residency opportunites, we currently opperate a partnership with VSSL studio in Deptford, London.
VSSL are frequently visited and activated by artists in this way and ]ps[ will negotiate a subsidised residency rate - offered on a sliding price scale (strating at free, for this whom need it most, where available), depending on an artist’s funding circumstances.
︎︎︎ VSSL studio
as producers
]ps[ directors Benjamin Sebastian and Ash McNaughton frequently collaborate with independent artists on the realisation of their projects. We are able to offer producing services, including mentoring, grant writing (or support) and project management. We have done this for many artists, including selina bonelli, Poppy Jackson, Martin O’Brien, Manuel Vason, Daniella Valz Gen & Joseph Morgan Schofield.
Please be in touch with us to discuss any of the above.
Please be in touch with us to discuss any of the above.